IRMMW-THz Society Young Scientist Award

The 2025 Young Scientist Award goes to:
Dr. Denis Bandurin
National University of Singapore (NUS), College of Design and Engineering
“For the fundamental study of the terahertz response of free electrons in solids”
About the Award
In 2016 the IRMMW-THz Society Board voted to institute a Young Scientist Award to recognize interdisciplinary, outstanding scientific work by a young scientist who has made innovative contributions and discoveries in the field of infrared, millimeter, and Terahertz waves.
The Award consists of a cash prize of $2000 and a certificate of recognition of the research achievements of the award recipient.
At each annual meeting of the Conference, the Young Scientist Award Committee meets to evaluate the applications that have been submitted and elects the recipient of the Prize for the following year. The Award recipient will be invited to deliver a keynote presentation to the IRMMW-THz Conference following the selection.
Eligibility Requirements for Applicants:
Application for the Award is open to young scientists with a PhD in Physics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemistry, and Biology or any other relevant research field, of any nationality from academia, industry, or national laboratories.
1. Applicants must be within 10 years after obtaining the PhD, but not over the age of 40, on the closing date of the application for the award.
2. The applicants should have a solid publication record and have published at least one article as a lead author in a high ranking international journal.
3. Members of the Award Committee are ineligible for the award.
The application package to be submitted by the candidate should include:
1. An application form
2. Two endorsement letters by senior scientists or research advisors
3. A short curriculum vitae of the candidate (max 2 pages)
4. A complete list of publications.
5. A copy of the most relevant paper published, or accepted for publication.
The deadline for submitting applications for the following year is May 15. For example: The 2023 Young Scientists Award nomination form is due no later than May 15, 2022. The closing date will be strictly observed.