2025 WINNER of the Shenggang Liu Education Foundation Zhenyi Wang Prize for Excellence in IRMMW-THz
Dr. Hannah Joyce
University of Cambridge, England, UK
“For achievements in the development of nanostructure-enabled terahertz devices.”
About the Award
In 2021, at the behest of Professor Shenggang Liu, the IRMMW-THz Society Board introduced the “Zhenyi Wang Prize for Excellence in IRMMW-THz” to recognize outstanding female contributors to Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz wave science, technology, and applications. The Award consists of a cash prize of 15,000 Yuan (approximately USD2200 in 2022) and a certificate of recognition stating the research achievements of the award recipient.
A committee of worldwide technical experts in IRMMW-THz science and applications evaluates nominations received for the award each year. The first recipient of the prize was announced at the 46th IRMMW-THz Conference, in Chengdu, China in September 2021. The 2022 recipient was selected at this same conference. Subsequent winners are announced shortly following each conference in the given year. Each Award recipient is invited to deliver a keynote presentation at the next conference in our series.
Eligibility Requirements for Applicants:
Application for the Award is open to women scientists and engineers with a PhD or equivalent degree in Physics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemistry, Biology or any other relevant IRMMW-THz inclusive research field, of any nationality, from academia, industry, private, or national laboratories. Applicants must have finished their PhD within the last twelve years (plus one more year for each child) on the closing date of the application of the award. Applicants should have an outstanding publication record and must be in a position of independently directing a research group or program (e.g. beyond a post-doctoral position).
Members of the Awards Committee, the Local, or the International Organizing Committee of the IRMMW-THz Society are ineligible for the award.
The application package to be submitted by the candidate or nominating sponsor should include:
1. An official application form (download).
2. Two endorsement letters by senior scientists, excluding the candidate’s former research advisors.
3. A short curriculum vitae of the candidate (maximum 2 pages).
4. A list of relevant publications.
5. Copies of, or links to the 3 most relevant papers published, or accepted for publication.
The applicant’s entire publication record will be considered; however, strong emphasis will be placed on publications that originate after the applicant has moved to an independent research position. The deadline for submitting applications each year is April 30th. For example the 2023 award nominations are due no later than April 30, 2022. The closing date will be strictly observed.
For questions or additional information contact: Professor Martina Havenith (zhenyiwang@irmmw-thz.org)
Past Recipients:
2024: Dr. Shaghik Atakaramians, UNSW Sydney, Australia
2023: Dr. Clara Saraceno, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
2022: Dr. Jessica Boland, Manchester University, Manchester, UK
2021: Professor Xiaojun Wu, Beiheng University, Beijing, China