Best Student Paper Award

The IRMMW-THz Conference Best Student Paper Awards

In 2011 the IRMMW-THz Society Board voted to implement an annual “Best Student Paper Prize” to recognize original contributions to the conference from outstanding student attendees. The prize is awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place papers through a committee selection and voting process. Each candidate must present his/her paper to the awards review committee at the conference during which the award is presented. Winners are announced at the banquet or at one of the conference Plenary sessions. Entry rules and procedures are posted on the local conference website in advance of the final paper submission deadline. Candidates may submit their entry when they upload their abstract.


The 2024 Student Paper Prize Commitee was Chaired by Dr. Masahiko Tani of Fukui University, Japan.  This year the prize has been divided into two tracks designated DISCOVERY and APPLICATION. Four finalists were selected in each of these two categories and the winning papers are listed below.  CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR FINALISTS!

FINALISTS for 2024 (At IRMMW-THz 2024 in Perth, Western Australia):


FIRST PLACE:  “Revisiting Fermi’s Two Atom Problem”, Alexa Herter, ETH Zurich. Abstract ID 6375897

SECOND PLACE: “Subcycle Scanning Near-Field Terahertz Microscopy Reaching Atomic Resolution”, Johannes Hayes, University of Regensburg. Abstract ID 6371057 

RUNNER-UP: “Ultrafast Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of An Atomic Vacancy In A Monolayer Crystal”, Carmen Roelcke, University of Regensburg. Abstract ID 6376512

RUNNER-UP: “Patch-antenna-coupled TeraFET Detector: State-of-the-art Sensitivity By Effective Radiation Focusing With A Low-loss Superstrate Lens”, Jakob Holstein, Physikalisches Institut, Goethe-University Frankfurt. Abstract ID 6342965 



FIRST PLACE: “Air-Biased Balanced Detection of THz Waveforms”, Alexander Ohrt, Technical University of Denmark. Abstract ID 6375835


SECOND PLACE: “Photonic Integrated Continuous Wave Terahertz Spectrometer With 90 DB Dynamic Range And 4 THz Bandwidth”, Lauri Schwenson, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin. Abstract ID 6383109


RUNNER-UP: Terahertz Silicon Waveguide Interconnections For On-chip Communications”, Daiki Ichikawa, Osaka University. Abstract ID 6382495


RUNNER-UP: “Experimental Realization Of A Metasurface-based PETS THz Detector”, Ruqiao Xia, University of Cambridge. Abstract ID 6323725