Author Instructions

 Please prepare your abstract using the word template available here: IRMMW-THz2025_ABSTRACT_template

Please check the instructions on the abstract length below! 

You MUST convert it to pdf with the IEEE PDF eXpress site, using conference ID 61557X
You will need to login to the IEEE eXpress site.  If you do not have an account, you will need to create one.
Once you have uploaded your abstract to IEEE PDF eXpress, you will receive an email with a compliant PDF file of your abstract attached.
The IEEE converted pdf you receive by email will have a paper ID filename, for example: 2021010962.pdf

This filename is critical for timely proceedings publication and must not be altered!

However, you may append your name to this base file name, for example: 2021010962_KenButton.pdf

Upload the PDF abstract generated by IEEE PDF eXpress using the “Attach” button during the abstract submission process.

Abstract lenght

1. First submission (deadline March 28 – OLD DATE. EXTENSION: April 7th): maximum 2 pages (including figures and references).

  • Students interested in the student award, are required to prepare a 2-page abstracts for the first submission.
  • All other submissions may prepare up to 2 pages for the first submission.

2. Submission of edited, accepted abstracts (deadline June 12): maximum 2 pages for all applicants